Thursday, August 19, 2010

Kyeemagh, Cooks River

These sunset views of the Cooks River are from the Endeavour Bridge, in the southern suburb of Kyeemagh, looking towards the suburbs of Banksia and Arncliffe.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Wolli Creek, sunset

The sun sets just beside the apartments in the southern suburb of Wolli Creek, viewed from the banks of the Cooks River at Tempe.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Ramsgate Beach, baths

These timbers and bars are all that remain of the original Ramsgate Baths that were constructed in 1950 and demolished in 1973. A larger enclosure, incorporated the southern side of the original baths in 1975. Most of it was replaced in 1999 by a floating net structure, consisting of plastic tubes and mesh netting, weighed down by chains. This part of Botany Bay has been used for public sea-water bathing since 1930.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Brighton-Le-Sands, boardwalk and pavilion

This boardwalk beside the beach at Botany Bay, is in the southern suburb of Brighton-Le-Sands. It was a beautiful day for a walk or a bike ride along the bay, to take advantage of the blue sky. Le Sands Pavilion contains restaurants, a kiosk cafe and the bathers pavilion.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

South Hurstville, Friendship Park

This small reserve in South Hurstville was recently transformed into the Ma'anshan Friendship Park (right). It celebrates the Friendship City Relationship between Kogarah City Council and Ma'anshan Municipality, a city in eastern China. The statue (left) is of Li Bai, often called the 'Immortal Poet', one of China's most important poets whose contribution to Chinese literatre influenced many later poets. It was donated by the Ma'anshan Municipality as a token of friendship to Kogarah City Council in 2009.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Banksia murals

The dreary wall outside Banksia railway station and behind the bus stop was recently brightened up by a burst of colour. The mural incorporates a flow of stainless steel Banksia leaves, a concept developed by Ruth Downes and Geoff Webster. The plant and the suburb are named after Joseph Banks, a naturalist along with Daniel Solander, on the expedition of the Endeavour led by James Cook. They explored the eastern coast of Australia in 1770 and landed at nearby Botany Bay. The first and last leaves are inscribed with the following quotes from their journals. "The great quantity of plants Mr Banks and Dr Solander found in this place occasioned my giving it the name Botany Bay" James Cook - May 1770. "Of Plants in general the countrey afforded a far larger variety than its barren appearance seemed to promise" Joseph Banks - August 1770.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Kogarah Bay sunset

A break in the grey sky over Kogarah Bay provided some colour at sunset. This view towards the southern suburb of Carss Park is from the Bonney Street wharf at Sans Souci.