Thursday, March 11, 2010

Brighton-Le-Sands, boardwalk and pavilion

This boardwalk beside the beach at Botany Bay, is in the southern suburb of Brighton-Le-Sands. It was a beautiful day for a walk or a bike ride along the bay, to take advantage of the blue sky. Le Sands Pavilion contains restaurants, a kiosk cafe and the bathers pavilion.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

South Hurstville, Friendship Park

This small reserve in South Hurstville was recently transformed into the Ma'anshan Friendship Park (right). It celebrates the Friendship City Relationship between Kogarah City Council and Ma'anshan Municipality, a city in eastern China. The statue (left) is of Li Bai, often called the 'Immortal Poet', one of China's most important poets whose contribution to Chinese literatre influenced many later poets. It was donated by the Ma'anshan Municipality as a token of friendship to Kogarah City Council in 2009.